Domestic RO Water Purifiers

Water purifiers have become a necessity for every household. Water purifiers ensure that you get clean and safe drinking water on demand so that you stay away from water-borne diseases. There are different types of water filtration processes such as Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration (RO), Ultra Filtration (UF), and Ultra Violet disinfection (UV). You need to choose a water purification system depending on the quality of water. Though we can easily get in touch with service professionals if there is a problem, it is always helpful to know how these systems function.

Reverse Osmosis Systems involve a simple water filtration mechanism. The filtration system includes the passage of water or other solvents through a semi-permeable membrane. The membrane blocks the dissolved solutes that contaminate water. The process filters out all sorts of contaminants such as ions, pesticides, micro-organisms, and other chemicals from water. This filtration process is one of the most effective methods of water purification.

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